Tuition Reduction Incentive Program

How exactly does T.R.I.P. work?
This is a very easy, ongoing fundraiser and it is very simple to join today!
Simply come into the school on a Thursday morning between 9:00am-11:00am and buy the gift cards you need for your upcoming week's household expenses. Or, if you can't make it to the school on a Thursday morning, simply email us anytime throughout the week at trip@jarvisccs.com. Let us know which cards you would like for the week, what amounts and denomination of card you prefer. We will have your order ready for you to pick up at school or send it home with your child. Each and every card you buy includes a percentage the company rebates to the school. Of that percentage, 40% goes towards your OWN tuition payments and 60% goes directly back to JCCS.
At the end of the year, each participating family receives a breakdown of the money they have earned using this program. This money is applied towards the following year's tuition costs. Each week's order may not seem like a lot, but over the course of an entire year, your savings are significant.
But it is not just for parents. It's for all of us - grandparents, cousins, friends, aunt and uncles - let's all help support those who have a desire to give Christian education for this generation and future generations.
You also have the option of saving up your earnings! If you have a young child or grandchild that will be starting up in school over the next few years, you can start purchasing cards now and let your earnings accumulate. You tell us where you want your monies to go and when you are ready to "cash out". You can help your own family members, a family in need, or give all your earnings back to the school.
Click Here to View Our T.R.I.P. Order Form